Honda Spearheads Dealership Cleanup Campaign

Honda's service department is now producing a series of EcoGuides designed to stimulate ideas and actions that will help dealers develop good environmental management practices. Current publications are the Dealer Recycling Handbook -- Recommended Recycling Practices for American Honda Service Departments and Green Housekeeping -- An Environmental Checklist for American Honda Service Departments.

The Dealer Recycling Handbook discusses the use, reuse and disposal of cleaners and solvents, oil and filters, refrigerants, antifreeze, paints and thinners, lead-acid batteries and tires, and includes a checklist dealerships can use to monitor their environmental practices. The handbook also provides helpful tips on communicating the dealer's environmental commitment to employees, customers and the community.

The Green Housekeeping Guide offers dealers a comprehensive environmental plan to minimize waste, conserve energy and prevent pollution. This guide helps dealerships establish their own environmental management plan, set tangible goals and realistic timetables.

Housekeeping tips range from shop clean-up to the best way to handle spills, leaks and waste storage. A "Waste Assessment Form" is included to help pinpoint the kinds of products the service department disposes of on a monthly basis.

Additional EcoGuides will be produced as Honda and its dealers identify relevant topics.

Honda's service department produces EcoGuides to help dealers develop good environmental management practices.