Honda EU6500is Generator - General Overview

Regardless of the scenario calling for backup power - a blackout in a residential neighborhood, a tailgating party on a college campus or a family gathering at a remote campsite - the demand for quiet, portable power is a part of everyday 21st century life around the globe.

American Honda Motor Co., Inc. is no stranger to this demand. More than 40 years ago, company division Honda Power Equipment began searching for ways to expand its lineup of generator products; even then, electrical appliances were coming into general household use and leisure activities were enjoying increased popularity. Clearly, there was an emerging need for portable generators, and it was widely anticipated that Honda would develop products in response to consumer demand.

Integrating a number of features from other members of the EU generator family, the new EU6500is generator is a leader in the gasoline-powered generator market for light weight, compact design and dramatically lower noise...

You can click on the links above to download the full EU6500is overview in doc or pdf format. You can also download the EU6500is webinar presentation in pdf format.