Demand for MDX Luxury SUV and 3.2 TL Sedan Lead Acura Sales

Led by the hot-selling MDX luxury sport utility vehicle and strong demand for the 3.2 TL luxury performance sedan and RSX sports coupe, Acura Division posted January sales of 12,136 units, just short of a new January record, according to figures released today by American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

"The luxury market appears to be off to a quick start in 2002 and demand for Acura vehicles continues to be strong," said Dick Colliver, executive vice president, sales. "We are averaging less than a 20 day supply of Acura vehicles and just can't build some models fast enough."

Demand remained strong for the award-winning MDX luxury sport utility vehicle with sales of 3,423 units, breaking the previous January record. Sales of the Acura 3.2 TL luxury performance sedan also continued strong with January sales of 4,447 units. The 2003 3.2 TL goes on sale next week.

The RSX sports coupe sustained its fast pace with sales of 2,281 units bringing total sales to 18,682 since its introduction in July 2001. The 3.2 CL luxury sports coupe also posted solid sales with 1,215 units sold in January. The new 2003 model 3.2 CL goes on sale in March. Sales of the newly redesigned 2002 NSX were up 230 percent over the same period last year. For media inquiries, please go to