Honda Launches Online Home for High Milers

100,000 miles - the number of miles it would take to drive around the circumference of the equator four times and the minimum number of miles driven to be part of Honda's new "Honda Mile Makers" Web site. The Mile Makers Web site, officially launched in late November, is a forum where owners of Honda vehicles that have traveled 100,000 miles and beyond can tell their unique stories, post photos of their vehicles, and read about other high mileage Honda success stories.

One of the most impressive high mileage posts is from an independent contractor from Las Vegas who drives his Civic Hybrid 10,000 miles a month. Saying that he never expected his car to make it past the half-million mile mark, he has logged 595,000 miles. Another owner from Los Angeles who has driven 400,000 miles in his 1991 CRX posted a photo of his car and odometer and proudly states that he has effectively driven around the world sixteen times.

"It's a great place for Honda owners to show off their accomplishments and exchange stories," said Karen Kim of Honda's Interactive Marketing department, who worked on creating the site. "A lot of the entries are very heart warming and a true testament to Honda's reliability and durability."

The Honda Mile Makers Web site can be found at