Remarks for Yuzo Uenohara

Good morning everyone. Thank you for joining us on this day of celebration for Honda and Indiana.

There are many important people here today ... and I want to thank Governor Daniels and Congressman Pence for joining us. But, maybe no one is more important than the students who join us from the schools in Greensburg and Decatur County.

These students represent the future for Indiana and for Honda. I want you to know that we look forward to our future together, and that we need your creativity, your spirit, and your ideas. Together, we look forward to dreaming of what is possible, and turning our dreams into reality.

At Honda, when it comes to a good idea, a person's title or rank makes no difference. What matters is what is best for our customers ... and our associates. Over the years, we will ask the associates of Honda Manufacturing of Indiana for their ideas ... to make our products better and the plant the safest place it can be.

This is the Honda way. And, this spirit will guide us. With respect for each other ... for the environment ... and for the community. Many associates. Many backgrounds. But one team. Working together for Honda ... and Indiana.

I know there is still much excitement about Honda coming to Indiana. This is an exciting project for us, too. But I must ask you... "Please be patient." Many things, including details about hiring, remain to be finalized.

But I can assure you we are on schedule. It is wonderful to realize that by the end of next year, many new Honda Civics built by many new Honda associates, will roll off the assembly line near this spot.

In the future, some of you may become our Honda associates. But all of you will be our neighbors. In the days ahead, the process of becoming neighbors may cause you some inconvenience. Building a new plant will mean a few more trucks and a little more noise for a while. We hope you will accept our apologies in advance.

Please understand that we know becoming a good neighbor doesn't mean simply moving in. A good neighbor is friendly and helpful. We plan to be good neighbors. And, we are happy to be your neighbor. We want to become part of Indiana, part of Decatur County - and part of Greensburg.

Thank you for welcoming us to our new home.